
Why doesn’t my Church talk about sex?

The ideas of Church and Sex aren’t ones that we tend to associate with each other. The Christian church’s approach to sex and sexuality varies among different denominations, but generally, there is a historical tendency to shy away from discussing the topic openly.  This has caused confusion and, in many cases, shame for people who are trying to figure out their own relationship with sexuality, and have healthy, enjoyable sex lives.

Moving Forward

Overall, the Christian church’s approach to sexuality is complex and influenced by a variety of factors. While there is a tendency to shy away from the topic, there is also a growing recognition of the importance of discussing and celebrating human sexuality in a positive and affirming way. This includes a more holistic view of the relationship between body and spirit, recognising that sexuality is a natural and God-given aspect of human identity. Many churches are now creating resources that help to educate people on the importance of healthy sexual relationships and how to  engage in them.

Additionally, some churches are creating special programs and events, with subject matter experts, specifically designed to foster discussion around issues related to sex and sexual health. This is an important step in helping people of faith learn more about intimacy and healthy relationships. By providing resources for education, dialogue and exploration, these churches can create a safe space where individuals can talk openly about sex, sexual health and experiences. 

The ultimate goal is for churches to create an environment where everyone can engage in conversations about sex, free of shame or fear. This could include discussions about birth control, abstinence, HIV/AIDS prevention and other issues related to sexual health. By promoting open dialogue and education about these topics, faith communities can make a powerful impact on the health and well-being of their members.

The Help

I work closely with religious organisations to facilitate conversations about sexual health in a culturally sensitive way. Partnering with religious leaders, I help them create resources that are tailored to their communities’ needs and values. I provide trainings for clergy and laypeople, so that they can better support their members and foster an environment of acceptance and inclusion.

If you or your organisation would like to know more about how we can work together, please reach out via email ([email protected]) or book an appointment. We can create a space to discuss sexual health without judgment or stigma. 

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